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04 July 2024

Kanwar Loyal, VP for Northern Europe & MEA, Cato Networks

Who was your hero when you were growing up?
Growing up, my heroes were quite diverse, ranging from Liverpool players like Jan Mølby and the legendary Bruce Grobbelaar, to the iconic Bruce Lee. I was so enamoured with the football world and martial arts that I even asked my parents if I could change my name to Bruce, inspired by both Grobbelaar and Lee. It’s funny how my enthusiasm for martial arts blended seamlessly with my passion for football, and these two Bruces became my idols during my formative years.

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election security

Securing the election of a generation

03 July 2024

With the 4th July election almost upon us, threats to democracy lie in wait. From ransomware to AI, which are the most significant dangers to a fair and open election – and how will they be addressed?

A s the UK heads towards the polls on – auspiciously – 4th July, the cyber threat landscape has become front and centre to those who seek to attack and expose weaknesses and those tasked with defending and ensuring the integrity of our democracy.

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07 June 2024

Mattias Fridström, chief evangelist, Arelion

Mattias Fridström, chief evangelist, Arelion

Who was your hero when you were growing up?
All my heroes were sports players when I was younger as I really wanted to be a sports star! Wayne Gretzky and Ingemar Stenmark were big inspirations for me but pretty much anyone who was at the top of their game at the time, regardless of sport, was an idol for me.

What was your big career break?
When in 1999 I went from a subsea cable engineer, building subsea cables, to being manager of the team that constructed the Arelion (then Telia International Carrier) fibre network in North America and Europe. I started at exactly the right time, when the dot.com era completely exploded and almost everyone wanted to build networks everywhere. For a few years I travelled the world, met so many funny and crazy people and learned a lot that even today is still extremely useful in our business.


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