12 December 2024

Mark Grindey, CEO of Zeus Cloud
Who was your hero when you were growing up?
Field Marshall Montgomery has always been my hero since my formative years. I’ve always admired his leadership qualities and strategic brilliance, all of which has had a big impact on my life up until this point. For those who don’t know, Field Marshal Law Montgomery was one of the most prominent and successful British commanders of the Second World War (1939-45). Affectionately known as ‘Monty,’ he commanded the Allies in North Africa and in the subsequent invasions of Italy and Normandy.
What was your big career break?
My significant career break was when I first secured the NHS as a client for a software system. It’s never easy to break into the NHS, due to the fact that there are a lot of hoops you have to jump through. However, I managed to succeed and this deal not only elevated my professional trajectory, but also allowed me to help contribute to the healthcare sector.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
When I was younger, like most young boys, I aspired to join either the military or the police force. And I was lucky enough to achieve my dream of serving in the military. Unfortunately though, I sustained an injury and was medically discharged, which altered my career path. However, soon after I found myself a role training police officers in intensive driving, which allowed me to combine my passion for the service with the opportunity to train and support others. It was also a lot of fun!
If you could dine with any famous person, past or present, who would you choose?
There are so many people I can think of for this. Choosing between Michael Caine, Victoria Wood, and Julie Walters for dinner would be a tough call. Every one of them is brilliant in their own right, and their respective fields fascinate me, so, I simply can’t decide. I would have them all over if I could… I think they’d probably all get on quite well too.
What’s the greatest technological advancement in your lifetime?
There have been so many amazing advancements in technology during my lifetime. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Smartphones are just a few examples of tech that have transformed or are transforming our day to day lives from the last couple of decades alone. However, the greatest technological advancement in my lifetime has been the transition from dial-up to broadband. The transformative impact that this advancement has had on communication and the ability to access information simply cannot be beaten, and it’s opened up so much more room for even more innovation as a result.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Out of all the great quotes out there, my grandpa, who has been a significant person in my life, taught me my favourite. He once told me, “Don’t count your chickens before you have them.” I love this advice, because it’s a nice down-to-earth reminder of the importance of staying focused on the present and has proven to be great advice in both my personal and professional life.
If you had to work in a different industry, which would you choose?
I love my current job and would not want to swap what I do at the moment for anything, but If I had to transition to a different industry at this stage of life, property development would be my first choice. The idea and prospect of being able to create spaces and contribute to urban development has always intrigued me. It seems like an interesting field to work in too. The idea of being able to put my own stamp on a property and creating a home to suit someone’s needs is also really exciting. Imagine how great it would feel to finish a job, sit back and think, ‘I did that.’
Where would you live if money was no object?
If I had to choose and money really was no object, I would want to live somewhere like Ypres in Belgium. Not only is it a beautiful part of the world, but it holds a special place in my heart because of the historical significance it had in WW1, as well as the serene atmosphere it has. To me, it is a delightfully ideal place to reside.
The Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
Those are two great bands there. I enjoy the Rolling Stones. However, when it comes to comparing them to The Beatles, obviously, there is no contest for me. The Beatles win, hands down. My favorite album of theirs is Abbey Road, it’s got some great songs in there. What I love most about The Beatles was that they weren’t afraid to take risks with their music – and this ability to experiment, for me, is the reason they were so ahead of their time when it came to the songs they produced.
What would you do with £1 million?
To be open with you, if I was handed £1 million, I would invest it in open-source tech start-ups. Being able to support innovation and foster collaborations would be a fantastic way to invest the money. Doing something like this would also align with my vision for the future as well as Zeus Cloud’s company ethos; “Compassion, Protect, Innovate.”