The impact of AI on security: advocacy vs apprehension in a time of uncertainty

04 July 2024

Brian Martin, head of product development, innovation and strategy, Integrity360

The debate over whether AI is friend or foe continues to rumble away in cybersecurity spheres, further fuelled by the recent rise of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT.

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Data never sleeps… AI and the enterprise network in focus

03 July 2024

Ben Schein, senior vice president of product, Domo

Understanding the profound impact of the ever-expanding internet population and the evolving ways in which people engage with the digital world is pivotal. According to Domo’s latest Data Never Sleeps (DNS) report, which offers a big-picture glimpse into the immense volume of data generated on the internet every minute, as of November 2023, 5.2 billion people around the globe are on the internet - around 64% of the entire world population.

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Indosat Pioneering AI Development in Indonesia through Democratization and Innovation

02 July 2024

Vikram Sinha, president director and chief executive officer, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison

When we started our journey in the merger to form Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison some 28 months ago, we agreed that it would be good for our customers, good for our country, and good for our employees. Today, the numbers speak for themselves. Coverage is up, consistency and experience are improved, and we truly have benefited Indonesia as a whole.

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The future of the wireless network: it’s the office, but not as we know it

02 July 2024

Ian Wharton, technical architect, Principle Networks

Ian Wharton, technical architect, Principle Networks

The office as we know it no longer exists. The modern workspace has become a multifunctional hub, blending work with client interactions and social events and at its core is a fast, reliable and secure wireless network.

However, the shift to the modern office isn’t as simple as updating old systems. It’s a comprehensive overhaul which demands a fundamental reimagining of existing infrastructure and all that underpins it. The density of traffic travelling through today’s networks is no longer akin to those of the past, which means on-premise Local Area Networks (LAN) and clunky, standard guest WiFi connections are no longer fit for purpose.

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Navigating towards sustainable IT: a practical path

28 June 2024

Rob Smith, CTO, Creative ITC

Rob Smith, CTO, Creative ITC

Enterprise technology is double-edged sword when it comes to meeting global sustainability goals. On one hand, it’s helping drive innovation to tackle climate change; but on the other, its own environmental impact shouldn’t be ignored. Enterprise IT is a huge generator of carbon emissions, already equalling half of emissions from aviation and shipping and set to rise to a concerning 14% of global carbon emissions by 2040.

Technology is an enterprise-wide component of business operations ripe for change and where leaders can make a tangible impact. In fact, digital transformation is such a vital part of global environmental goals that Gartner suggests 4 out of 5 CIOs will have sustainable IT performance metrics by 2027.

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