International response required for global ransomware threat

24 June 2024

An ‘international response’ to the global ransomware threat to increase resilience is needed, according to the UK’s UN Security Council lead Dame Barbara Woodward.

Woodward outlined the severity of current global ransomware threats and the potential impact on vital government functions and public services should a successful attack occur. Any state can be a victim of ransomware. This is why an international response is needed to constrict the ecosystem facilitating it and to enable all states to increase their resilience and their response capability, said Woodward.

In response to the growing threats, the UK is taking a leading role alongside Singapore as co-chairs of the Counter Ransomware Initiative, working to develop and implement robust national defence strategies.

Woodward also highlighted the role of AI as a potential danger as ‘malicious and irresponsible actors can exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems’ as part of their attack methods. She called for more understanding on how cyber threats will change as a result, and to identify the opportunities for where AI can help bolster security.