Complete Fibre and Raven Housing Trust address digital poverty

05 February 2024

Complete Fibre has been selected by social housing provider Raven Housing Trust to enable the safe and strategic rollout of Full Fibre networks to its residents.

The partnership aims to support tenant welfare by unlocking an array of opportunities through improved access to full fibre broadband.

Raven owns and manages more than 7,000 homes across the South East of England, of which approximately half are MDUs. Notoriously difficult to connect, residents in MDUs are often left behind when it comes to accessing full fibre. However, the united approach between digital advisor and housing association is tackling digital poverty head on.

Poor connectivity prevents residents from accessing online work, education, healthcare, and housing platforms. Supporting tenant welfare, the rollout of full fibre allows residents to access vital online services and unlock opportunities that may not be accessible without reliable connectivity. As more services including healthcare and education rely on having internet access, the urgency to provide social housing with fast, reliable connectivity is increasing to ensure residents don’t become digitally excluded.

Complete Fibre will install single, open-access ‘plug-and-play’ digital infrastructure within the flats to ensure safe, ultrafast, ultra-reliable broadband is available. Multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can then connect into the infrastructure, ensuring Raven’s residents have more choice when selecting full fibre packages whilst minimising disruption of different ISPs each installing its own infrastructure. Complete fibre infrastructure also comes at no cost to the landlord or resident.